Make your goals CLEAR.


Key ideas

  1. What is goal and it importance?

  2. How to set CLEAR goals?

  3. Ways of wining any goal?

Zig Zigler - What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving them. 

The best way to achieve personal success is to have this goal in the first place. 

Let’s be honest how many people you know including yourself still wanting and trying to get the life they really want? 

Wanting and keep trying instead of having it? Why is that?

Because of the lack of CLEAR goals and not knowing what they are – it creates problems for life that we truly deserve. 

How important goals in life? And why we set them for ourselves?

In 1960’ psychologists experiment with this question already and as the result showed, people who set goals are more successful. In Social Psychology it called "endowment effect", which happens when we take ownership of something it becomes "ours". 

What is the goal?

- an ambitious effort, an aim or desired result.

Now ask yourself how often you desired or aim something? Exactly, every day. 

So many books have been written, so many social media posts advised us should we set goals or not, are they smart? or realistic? But a clear solution on how to get clear on your goals in life no information. 

So why is it important, what are the facts and shreds of evidence on lack of goals in life?

If you would observe or describe a person without a goal in life?

  • does this person has low energy, look unhappy?

  • does this person motivated and ready to get off the bed with enthusiasm to start the day?

  • disinterest in anything?

  • having low self-esteem, self-doubt which eventually leads to physical and mental problems?

The importance of goals in life is vital.

But the main benefit of clear goals :

  • -It gives us purpose in life,

  • - Sense of accomplishment,

  • -Rewarding life lessons for the future.


collaborative – We tend to work alone on our goals, it understandable, create them, having a vision that relates to the future. But would that be great if we get help to achieve with the help of others, someone who could be a mentor and went through a similar process, for example? it always starts with a small step to ask to collaborate- whether it is a partner/ community/ co-worker/ support group/mentor/organization/coach. Just think how efficient and productive process to attain that goal could be.

limited - We have to set the time frame, otherwise, it never gets done. Is it 2 hours a day, week, year, 10 years take to complete? The time limit gives the goal depth and scopes to keep us going. Turn the whole list of should dos into a list of must-dos.

emotional – When we care about the future, outcome, result whatever it involved it absolutely always involved emotions, and emotions are drive and energy to pursue it. This is what connects us to the goal, what wakes up every morning and commit. 

 actionable – This one is very simple, are we going to do anything about it or not? Study results are that 47 % of those who made resolutions at the beginning of the year, stopped following through on their goals at some point throughout the year. Another study shows 31 % of all resolution makers admit they stopped with those goals within the first 30 days. However, 76 % of those who made it past January 30th still followed through with their resolutions. In other words, developing the habit of actions can make life and business infinitely easier, more productive, and less stressful.

 refinable – Give permission to modify goals. Life is changing and evolving and I know we set our mind and envision what we want but letting view goals from another standpoint will make it more clear and provide opportunities that didn’t include in the first place. 

The outcome of any goal is- WIN no matter what - where it desired result or an end up to be a valuable lesson. Instead of trying to get the life we deserve to think CLEAR and ask yourself:

What do I want today?

Follow by these 4 questions:

  • -what I must do more?

  • -what I must do less

  • - what I must stop doing?

  • -what I must start doing?

  We might not know what it will take to get the goal, what sacrifices and what we have to face it. 

Another way How bad we want it?

And if it not “whatever it takes” then we have to look for a drive. We could set the determination to get it anytime. Just by exploring the answers :

  • What are you willing to do to reach the goal?

  • What are you not willing to risk to get there?

  • What are you willing to give up to get reach your desired outcome?

Goal setting is a powerful motivator. Goals can only be reached by a set plan in place and follow up actions that will apply to the plan.